Positivity is that knowing within that the glass is always half full and for some people that can be quite hard as they think the glass is always half empty.
But knowing the glass is always half full and then brimming to the top with positive energy is as simple as 123. It is all about changing your mindset.
1. Positive mindset begins when you wake up!
What is your first thought of the day? If you are one of those people who immediately reach for your phone and start scrolling you are interacting with all sorts of people’s thoughts and emotions and you haven’t given yourself a chance to put your own thought and intention on the day.
Before you do anything in the morning say to yourself either out loud or in your head –
‘Today is a positive day.’
Energy always follows thought so by utilising the power of thought and setting out your intention for the day, you are sending out that note of positive energy, radiating positivity.
The more you do this every day, the energy will build and you will find that the more positive energy radiates into your day.
2. Stay in your own lane!
Have you ever noticed that your moods, feelings and emotions can sometimes flip like a switch? And have you ever realised it can be to do with who you have just been talking to, or what you have been watching on tv or social media for example? If your moods, emotions and feelings alter to that feeling of positivity that is brilliant.
But if you find your moods, feelings and emotions alter to one of negativity, ask yourself how much of this is yours and how much have you have picked up from someone else.
Staying in your own lane is essential to radiating with positivity, so next time your moods alter, check in with yourself and see who has come into your lane, and then swiftly move yourself back into a clear lane.
3. Like attracts like!
The more you radiate positivity the more positivity radiates to you. It is the law of attraction. Like attracts like. Radiating with positivity within yourself can start with simple steps –
1. Be kind to yourself, as well as others
2. Look at what you have got right, not what you have got wrong
3. Treat others like you would like to be treated
4. Show yourself some love
5. Talk to yourself as you would your best friend
6. Go with the natural flow in life, rather than trying to control it
Radiating with positivity starts from within, the build of positive energy flowing in your system, letting go of negativity and letting your inner light shine.
The cup can be half full or half empty. What do you choose today?
If you would like some help to align with positive energy daily, join me on the Clearing, Grounding & Protection Course – Maria Bowbanks Spirit Wellbeing