Impostor syndrome is the feeling of not being good enough.
Impostor syndrome is the feeling of comparing yourself to others.
Impostor syndrome affects your confidence.
Everyone has their own idea of what perfection is, and of where they measure themselves on this perfection scale. Bearing in mind there is no such thing as perfection, as we have endless opportunities to attain more knowledge, more understanding and simply more of everything.
Learning to do something begins with a desire within to simply want to do it.
Simply put impostor syndrome can stem from childhood experiences of where you might always have felt you were not good enough, or you might simply have been criticised as a child, or it could have generated from adulthood from listening to other people’s comments about yourself or simply from comparing yourself to others.
No two people are the same, and we are all capable of being and becoming something more.
Self-belief can be learned, self-belief can grow. Confidence in yourself can be learned, confidence in yourself can grow.
Impostor syndrome is when one lacks belief and confidence and compares oneself to others. What happens is that as soon as you start thinking like this, you open yourself up to the energy of lack of belief in yourself and lack of confidence.
As energy follows thought, that little thought of ‘impostor syndrome’ begins to go out into the universe and all those other people on the planet who also think they are impostors, the energy calls, as like attracts like.
Energy follows thought, do remember not to take on other people's emotions or negativity, because thoughts feed on thoughts. So, if you are around someone who has impostor syndrome, that energy can build if you are thinking this about impostor syndrome yourself.
Energy builds, energy feeds, so always be mindful of your thoughts.
The 3 key points to stop Impostor Syndrome in its tracks are
1. Be happy & excited about what you do, and if you are, this energy will ripple off you in waves and everyone around you will pick up on your happiness & excitement about what you are doing, hence positive energy will flow.
2. Every time you think about impostor syndrome, imagine shutting the door on it, you don’t need that thought, so close the door.
3. Build your self-belief and confidence, by doing an affirmation, saying 9 times a day, every day for about 6 months ‘I BELIEVE IN ME and I AM CONFIDENT.’
Believe in yourself, no matter what you learn to do, know you can do it, and more importantly remember everyone has to start somewhere. So, if you make a few mistakes along the way, it does not mean you have failed, because without making mistakes how can you learn.
Believe you can and you will. Believe in yourself and choose you.
If you want to know more, join me on the Clearing, Grounding & Protection Course – Maria Bowbanks Spirit Wellbeing.